Fernand Léger, Composition géométrique (Geometric composition), 1955

Artist: Fernand Léger (1881 - 1955)
Title:Composition géométrique (Geometric composition), 1955
Reference:Saphire E6
Medium:Color Screenprint
Image Size:15 in x 22 in (38 in x 56 in)
Sheet Size:15 in x 22 in (38 in x 56 in)
Framed Size:23 1/8 in x 24 1/8 in (58.7 cm x 61.2 cm)
Edition:Numbered from the edition of 200 in pencil in the lower right margin.
Signature:This work is hand-signed by Fernand Léger (Argentan, 1881 – Gif-sur-Yvette, 1955) in ink in the lower right margin.
Condition:This work i sin excellent condition.
ID #w-8102
Price on Request


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Historical Description

Utilizing a bold color palette of purple, yellow, red, and black, Léger creates an abstract work in which shapes and forms create a constructive unit in Fernand Léger Composition géométrique (Geometric composition), 1955. We detect hints of a road, a ladder, and a building, all of which appear geometric and slightly topsy-turvy. Léger contrasts smooth curves with sharp angles, bright hues with black and white, making a striking image that engages us and encourages us to search for imagery and meaning within the abstract composition.

Created in 1955, this work was printed by Jean Bruller and is marked with his 'B' in the left margin. Hand signed by Fernand Léger (Argentan, 1881- Gif-sur-Yvette, 1955) in ink in the lower right margin and annotated 'FL' in black in the plate in the lower right, this work is numbered from 71/200 in pencil the lower left margin.

Catalogue Raisonné & COA:

Fernand Léger Composition géométrique (Geometric composition), 1955 is fully documented and referenced in the below catalogue raisonnés and texts (copies will be enclosed as added documentation with the invoices that will accompany the final sale of the work).

1. Saphire, Lawrence, Fernand Leger, The Complete Graphic Work, 1978, listed as E 6 on pg 289 with details on pg 288.

2. A Certificate of Authenticity will accompany this work.

About the Framing:

Fernand Léger Composition géométrique (Geometric composition), 1955 is framed to museum-grade, conservation standards, presented in a complimentary moulding and optical grade Plexiglas.


Subject Matter: Under $15k Femme Still Life