Albrecht Dürer, Pentecost (The Small Passion), 1612

Artist: Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528)
Title:Pentecost (The Small Passion), 1612
Reference:B. 51; K. 257; M. 160; Str.135
Medium:Original Woodcut
Image Size:5 in x 3 3/4 in (12.7 cm x 9.5 cm)
Sheet Size:7 3/4 in x 5 1/2 in (19.7 cm x 14 cm)
Framed Size:22 in x 20 3/4 in (55.9 cm x 52.7 cm)
Edition:This work is from the Italian edition of 1612, with Italian text on verso.
Signature:This work is monogrammed in the woodblock 'AD' in the lower center.
Condition:This work is in good condition.
ID #w-4282

Historical Description

Exhibiting the artist's mastery and skill in technique of the studied figure, Albrecht Dürer Pentecost (The Small Passion), 1612 is an intimate look at one of the pinnacle scenes in the Passion of the Christ. Walter L. Strauss quotes directly from the bible, a passage which Dürer has been able to illustrate with incredible detail and emotion:
And when the day of Pentecost [the seventh Sunday or fiftieth day after Easter] was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a might rushing wind, and it fulled all the houses where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. (Acts 2:1-3)

Created in 1612, this original woodcut is monogrammed in the woodblock 'AD' in the lower center. This work is from the Italian edition of 1612 with Italian text on verso.

Catalogue Raisonné & COA:

Albrecht Dürer Pentecost (The Small Passion), 1612 is fully documented and referenced in the below catalogue raisonnés and texts (copies will be enclosed as added documentation with the invoices accompanying the final sale of the work):

  1. Bartsch. (1981). The Illustrated Bartsch Vol. 10. Edited by Walter L. Strauss. Abaris Books: New York. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonnè no. 251.
  2. Kurth, Dr. Willi, The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer, 1963, listed as plate 257 and discussed on page 31-2.
  3. Meder, Joseph, Dürer-Katalog, 1932. Listed and illustrated as cat no 160.
  4. Scheller, Robert W. and Karel G. Boon, The Graphic Art of Albrecht Dürer Hans Dürer and the Dürer School, 1971, Listed as cat no 160.
  5. Schoch, R., et al. (2002). Albrecht Dürer: Das druckgraphische Werk, Band II Holzschnitte und Holzschnittfolgen. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no. 221.
  6. A Certificate of Authenticity will accompany this work.

About the Framing:

Albrecht Dürer Pentecost (The Small Passion), 1612 is museum grade conservation framed in a complementary moulding and optical grade Plexiglas.

Subject Matter: Classic Under $15k Birds Biblical